COVID-19 And Steps We’re Taking To Keep You Safe

07-01-2020 - Consumer Care

At Amazing Home Care Agency, your safety and well-being are of utmost importance to us. We continue to closely monitor the developments and information about the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), and have taken extra precautions to ensure your safety. We are actively monitoring the progression of information as issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and our local and state governments. We take safety seriously and our direct care workers and staff will follow our strict protocols in addition to adhering with CDC, federal, state and local guidelines.

As a rule, we follow stringent cleaning, sanitizing, and protection procedures at each service location. We pride ourselves on a clean and safe home care environment. In addition to our standard cleaning procedures, below are some of the additional steps we’re taking to keep you safe:

Consumer screenings are done at the time of scheduling, at appointment reminders, and at the time of their appointment to ensure we keep everyone safe.

We are directing our consumers with risk factors for Covid-19 to reschedule at a later date, follow them up with teleconferencing and to be appropriately medically evaluated.

Pens are switched out, cleaned and sanitized between each use.

Our direct care workers and staff are refraining from hand-shaking with consumers and hugging.

Thoughtful, frequent handwashing is practiced by every team member from the direct care worker to the office staff, a habit which has been in place and will continue to be in place.

We have educated our team in depth about the virus, including how it’s transmitted, and the common symptoms. While we understand and share the community’s concern about this virus, please know that we are taking every precaution and you can have confidence in the safety of our visits to your home. Consumer care and safety are our priority above all during this current public health situation.